Stage Combat Certificates from British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat (B.A.S.S.C.) & British Academy of Dramatic Combat (B.A.D.C.)
Quarterstaff, Sword & Shield, Single Sword, Small Sword, Military Sabre, Broadsword, Rapier & Dagger, Knife, Unarmed
Other Weapons
Rapier & Buckler, Rapier & Cloak, Escrima, Found Weapons, Cut Throat Razor (Straight Razor), Katana
Commedia dell' Arte, Animal & Mask, Improvisation, Puppetry
Additional Certificates & Sports
Martial Arts: Aikido; Blue belt, B.A.F level One Fencing Coaching Certificate, Gold level in Sabre, Archery (Historical and Modern), Abseiling & Climbing, Horse Riding, First Aid Certificate (appointed person)
Ballroom, Cha Cha, Charleston and Waltz
Heightened RP, London, Essex, Cockney and General American
Quarterstaff, Sword & Shield, Single Sword, Small Sword, Military Sabre, Broadsword, Rapier & Dagger, Knife, Unarmed
Other Weapons
Rapier & Buckler, Rapier & Cloak, Escrima, Found Weapons, Cut Throat Razor (Straight Razor), Katana
Commedia dell' Arte, Animal & Mask, Improvisation, Puppetry
Additional Certificates & Sports
Martial Arts: Aikido; Blue belt, B.A.F level One Fencing Coaching Certificate, Gold level in Sabre, Archery (Historical and Modern), Abseiling & Climbing, Horse Riding, First Aid Certificate (appointed person)
Ballroom, Cha Cha, Charleston and Waltz
Heightened RP, London, Essex, Cockney and General American